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Wagmi Web3js Adaptor

If you're using Wagmi and want to add web3.js, use this provider in your project:

import {Web3} from 'web3'
import {useMemo} from 'react'
import type {Chain, Client, Transport} from 'viem'
import {type Config, useClient} from 'wagmi'

export function clientToWeb3js(client?: Client<Transport, Chain>) {
if (!client) {
return new Web3()

const {transport} = client

if (transport.type === 'fallback') {
return new Web3(transport.transports[0].value.url)

return new Web3(transport.url)

/** Action to convert a viem Client to a web3.js Instance. */
export function useWeb3js({chainId}: { chainId?: number } = {}) {
const client = useClient<Config>({chainId})
return useMemo(() => clientToWeb3js(client), [client])

Usage example:

import {useWeb3js} from '../web3/useWeb3js'
import {mainnet} from 'wagmi/chains' // for example for mainnet
// somewhere in your React render method
const web3js = useWeb3js({chainId:})
// ...

This repository contains an example Wagmi app that demonstrates how to interact with the Ethereum blockchain using the web3.js library